Project Partners
GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social
Sciences (formerly Society of Social Science
Infrastructure Institutions ) is a German research institute in the
field of empirical social sciences. GESIS makes data sets and archives
available to other researchers, making it a leading research
infrastructure facility. GESIS is part of the Leibniz Association and
is funded by the federal and state governments. It is based in
Mannheim and Cologne.
IBI ‒ Berlin School of Library and Information
Science at Humboldt-Universität zu
Berlin has comprehensive experience in
research data management, data publication, and information
retrieval. Its members are very active in the German-speaking research
data community and are, for instance, founders and co-ordinators of
the DINI/nestor-AG Digitale
editors of the wiki, and co-authors of
a book on research data
management. In
the DFG project Registry of Research Data
Repositories, a collaboration with the German
Research Centre for Geosciences and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
IBI has established a world-wide registry for research data
LZI – Leibniz Center for Informatics
operates DBLP, the most comprehensive open
database for bibliographic metadata in computer science, in close
collaboration with the University of Trier. The DBLP web site is
visited by more than 600,000 international visitors each month, and
numerous projects and services build and rely on DBLP’s curated, open
metadata. Since 1990, LZI has organized informatics conferences of
the highest scientific caliber at Schloss Dagstuhl. It also promotes
and supports continuing and advanced academic education and the
transfer of knowledge between academia and industry.
The Data & Knowledge Engineering group at HHU conducts research at the intersection of semantic technologies, information retrieval and NLP, aiming at improving usability of heterogeneous data, information and knowledge on the web. A particular focus is on methods for understanding discourse and user interactions in large web archives, social media and scholarly resources.
Project Team
Jonathan Lüpfert |